Friday, August 27, 2010

Vulchers In The Tree!

I wanted to show you how taking something as simple as birds - vulchers - sitting in a tree can evoke emotion and unrest. Vulchers are big, black birds that eat dead animals on the ground. They look like they are sitting just waiting for something to die so they can appease their appetites.
The tree at the top has no leaves even though it's summer and the sky is dark and cloudy. You can create a scene from this picture because the emotion is there already.
When you write you must remember to use all of the senses to capture the audience's attention, emotions, thoughts, feelings, sight, etc. If you do that, your readers will come back to your time and time again being a dedicated fan of yours.
I am taking time this summer going out in the early mornings, and late at night taking photographs of our area. I am enjoying the journey and then posting the pictures here hoping you'll enjoy them but also, if you write, you will learn from them. Pictures are the eyes that we see the world through.

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