Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Street Sign Inspiration

I was out taking my morning photography shots when I came across this street sign. It might seem pretty mundane to everyone, however, it brought back memories to me. When I was in 4th and 5th grade my family and I lived in the country. The house we lived in was big and long and on a farm. My father was a painter so we didn't bother with the farming part of it we just rented the home. What brought back the memories was that my Aunt used to call our house the "Longbranch". She always said it was long enough it reminded her of a saloon that was on TV at the time. Many of you will remember Gunsmoke and Miss Kitty's saloon was named The Longbranch. So you see, memories pop up at times when you least expect them to. When that happens take the time to write down the thought or take a picture of the site so you can write about it later. Little things poke your mind to remember times past. Just my thoughts for the day for your memoir writing.

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