Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sand Hill Crane

This is one of our Sand Hill Cranes that live in the area. I take lots of pictures of them because I think they are beautiful and amazing when they fly.
I've been talking to you about using the weather in your writing when necessary or to set the mood and tone of the scene. The same applies to natures animals. Just as the Vulcher picture sets a tone the various birds, animals and insects can play an important part in your writing. If you're writing and the scene calls for extra positives that will make the story more real, you can use the birds and such. It adds richness and texture to your story. Stories with animals in them make the author seem more caring, human and compassionate. It's not just cats and dogs that will make an impact on the reader. You can use any variety of animal to make the story complete. Take time and think about how your scenes can be enriched by using birds and animals. You'll be surprised at the results you come up with. I had never seen such a bird before I moved where I live now. They totally fascinate me and I'm sure will be somewhere in my next novel. You can use natures bounty throughout your works. Enjoy!
Now I'm not sure what I'm up to today yet. Need to head to Orlando and pay a bill, might see my grandson and definitely need to work on my typesetting jobs. Emmy's are on tonight so that's a plan for sure. Enjoy your Sunday!

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