Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mid-week Crazies!

This morning I went to the lakefront again to take some more shots of the early morning before the sun came up. I got several that are quite nice. The picture to the left is of the sand at the beach there. I like the different hues of the morning reflecting on it. The reason I posted it was I thought it was a cool picture, however, when I really looked at it I thought it fit perfectly with how our lives sometimes are so hectic. Each dent in the sand reminds me of each thing in my day or week that needs attending to. I've been trying to learn how to work the InDesign CS4 program so I can get a manuscript typeset but am having lots of trouble doing that. I've also got many items for my company to attend to as well as do more work on my own novels. Then my hubby came home today and will be home tomorrow and I'm sure there won't be much free time for me to work. I don't mind so much when it's him because he's hardly ever home. So by posting the picture of the sand it helps me see that while I have lots of things to get completed I need to remember that the sand is soft, beautiful, timeless, and always there. Take time to remember the feel of sand between your toes and how you feel at that moment. It's relaxing to know that if your toes are in sand you are at a beach which further helps you relax and forget all you have to do. So take some time, relax, and maybe your midweek crazies will slow down and you'll be able to enjoy the middle of the week.

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