Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sweet Spot To Enjoy.

On my early mornings when I went out looking for great photography shots, I came across this little, quaint sweet shop in St.Cloud. It's called Sugar Magnolia. It sells big cupcakes and various drinks. Its quiet, friendly, has local artists work hanging and sitting about. It has a couple tables and chairs plus a couple of comfy couches to relax on. The owner, Kristine, is sweet and friendly. I totally enjoyed my visit there and am sure I'll be stopping by again one of the mornings I'm out shooting pictures.
After looking at the picture and thinking about how lovely the shop was, I wanted to tell you that when you're doing writing, any kind of writing, remember to include landmarks, favorite places in your writing. Doing so gives your writing a sense of place and uniqueness and reality. I'm working on a book set in a small town and I'm sure this little shop will find it's way into the story.

I'm enjoying today. My little grandson is here. We picked him up after pre-school and he's spending the afternoon with us. We've been having such a lot of fun. He's such a sweet little four year old. Thanks for stopping by and enjoying the journey with me.

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