Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Beautiful Palm Tree!

I love palm trees - all varieties. I find them interesing and beautiful. The palm tree in the picture is one I found in a yard in St. Cloud. It's huge and comes from one trunk. I thought you'd enjoy the photo. It actually looks like there might be three trees there but every time I go look at it I only see one trunk. Anyhow, I thought it would be good to post here.

You know, I think of life as similar to a palm tree. Our life is the main stem or trunk. Each of our experiences in life, to me, represent each palm branch and the days are each of the fronds. One person, many experiences and days from one life. Standing tall against the weather, days, nights, and sunshine. Strong enough to survive the terrific force of the hurricane winds. When I look at the palm trees around my area it fills me with wonder that they are so tall and strong yet have very little roots to hold them to the ground. It's amazing that they survive, yet they do, just like we do in our daily pursuit of life. Enjoy your day!

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