Saturday, July 17, 2010

Technology -- EEK!

I am most definitely not a technology person. I love it but am challenged when I have to do much work on my computer or DVD player or IPOD. I can run them but if there's a problem I am stressed.
So you might think that with me not being successful working on electronics, why would I decide to install a video card and more RAM memory on my computer? All I can say is after I spent a bucket of money on an expensive Adobe software program and then found I needed a video card and more memory to run the thing, I totally did not have any extra cash to pay some "Geek Squad" to fix it.
So, of course, I've finally gotten the parts into the computer, put it back together and found that now my computer does not even work. Sooo I have to start over, take the video card out, plug it all back in and see if the computer will work like it did before the installation. If it does, then I get to install it again and see what happens. Everyone says it a 'piece of cake'! Sure it is! Never. I'm hoping tomorrow is successful because if not, then I've got to find the money to take it to the "geek squad' and let them show me what I'm doing wrong. UGH! Frustration to the max.

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