Sunday, July 11, 2010

Take The Weather With You.

Whatever you decide to write, it's always nice to remember that people want to experience what the author is seeing. They view the story through your eyes so it's important to include the location, time of day/night and the weather. The weather plays a very important part in the stories. Night time stories are much different than daytime because they hold an element of suspense, fear and problems. Then if the weather is bad, night holds more feelings of either fear or apprehension.
Consider the same scene written at night - in stormy, rainy weather and again in clear, starry skies. They are quite different because the mood changes and people feel differently.
Consider that scene written in the daytime - in stormy, rainy weather and then again in clear, sunshining skies. Each holds and brings about different emotions and feelings. So when you write remember to consider the weather and time of day regarding what your person in the story is doing.

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