Monday, May 17, 2010

About My Book!

I thought I'd tell you a little about my book, "Kaleidoscope Memories: Childhood Stories That Celebrate Family Life." It is a book that basically come together because our parents didn't get the chance to put their memories/stories down for us to pass along to our children. So we decided to write some of our memories so our children would have a record of our lives and how things were at the time.
After doing so, we found there was enough interest in the stories to put them into a book. We have accomplished this and the resulting book has been garnering good reviews.
The stories invite you into three sisters lives in a midwestern small town. Their lives wrapped themselves around the neighborhood, family, friends, church, and school. Play was with toys that worked on imagination. Family rules were obeyed and church attendance was observed by all. The family spent time together growing, creating memories and learning to be respectful of each other and their feelings.
Meet Vicky the painfully shy, easy-going, middle child; Jenny the spunky tomboy, tender hearted, older-by-twelve-minutes twin; and Cindy the playful, constantly scared, official baby of the family. Enjoy stories of how they interacted with their other siblings and parents.
Don't miss a single spin of the kaleidoscope in this exciting new collection of memories.

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